Carrie Troutman, CEBS
MBG Consultant

Carrie Troutman joined the firm in 2000 as an actuarial analyst for Mockenhaupt Benefits Group and now also serves as consultant to a number of local government pension and OPEB plans. She is responsible for communicating the results of actuarial valuations and studies to clients, explaining pension plan provisions to plan participants, and assisting with and coordinating the preparation of the actuarial valuations, Act 205 reporting forms, Minimum Municipal Obligations (MMOs), benefit studies, Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) reports, and benefit calculations for her pension client base. She also prepares actuarial valuations of post-retirement benefits other than pensions (OPEB) for municipalities and school districts, working very closely with the plan actuary.

In 2015 Carrie was named Manager of Actuarial Services, responsible for providing technical training to the actuarial staff and coordinating the company’s workflow and product development.

B.S. in Mathematics with concentrations in Actuarial Science and Statistics, Clarion University of Pennsylvania
M.Ed. in Secondary Mathematics/Science, Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania Teaching Certification – Secondary Mathematics

Carrie is a Certified Employee Benefit Specialist (CEBS) and Retirement Plans Associate (RPA) as designated through the International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans (IFEBP). She also holds a Pennsylvania insurance producer license with lines of authority for Life and Accident and Health.

phone (412) 394-6709